Information for the Victoria Nuggets National Orienteering League team.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Elite races

Here is some breif information about some elite races i am trying to get a good turn out at. Can you please circulate it to your runners. more information will follow.


Two weekends of top quality racing will be organised for Australia's elite Orinteers. The races will be held on the 20th and 21 st of May in Orange and Eugowra, then the 11th and 12th of June in Albury and Chiltern. The cream of Australia's elite will have a chance to compete against each other for some top quality racing.

During these two weekends the majority of the Australian WOC team will be present, and will be using the races as preparation for the up coming World Championships. As an added incentive, the 4 races will form an elite series, and prizes will be awarded to the winners in the men's and women's class.

To enter the races send an email to with your name, club and sportident number. Entries for the first weekend of racing have to be to Grant by May 3. Payment can be settled on race day.

Further information about the races can be found on the NSW and Victorian Orienteering association home pages.


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