Information for the Victoria Nuggets National Orienteering League team.

Monday, February 27, 2006

NSW NOL Event Travel

Latest NSW transport and accommodation update (6/3)


Bendigo Car, Jimbo, Toph, Bryan
Arthur Car, Bruce and Family
Blair's car, Blair, Torgeir, Clare
Other Melb Car?, Yasmine, Ilka, Evan
Liggo Car, Liggins and RunO


Wyangala Waters Cabins (Fri & Sat nights)
Bruce Cabin: Arthur Family + 3 bunks (can include others if they want)
Bendigo Cabin: Ilka, Evan, Jasmine, Toph, Bryan and Jim = 6

Blairs Farmhouse: Blair, Torgeir, Clare

Bring all your food as there will not be much to buy in Wyangala.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Hallett too quick at home

Nuggets' Bruce Arthur raced cleanly, but didn't have the early season speed to match SA's Lachlan Hallett on home ground in the South Australian Sprint Distance Championships in Adelaide on Friday evening.
Held on a forest area with many tracks, the course provided good challenges for a sprint distance race. Arthur led by a few seconds early and held on to the lead until around the 2.5km mark. However, Hallett was able to open up a 12 second lead over the final kilometer in relatively easy track running.
Big improver, John Nieuwenhoven, and Simon Uppill also finished with 30 seconds of the winner proving very good competition in this format.
After returning from Europe, Susanne Casanova was too strong for the small women's field.


Click on map to enlarge

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Welcome to the Victoria Nuggets blog. This is the site to visit to find out any information on Victorian Nuggets National Orienteering League training, events, travel or other details.

Competition Uniforms

Uniforms will again be compulsory for NOL races.
We have purchased an additional set of 20 uniforms over summer, which are now being screen printed. Smaller sizes are now available.

I have tops in size 3(XS), 4(S), 5(M), 6(L) and pants in 3(XS), 4(S), 5(M), 6(L) .
Cost is $120 for both with 50% (first) and 25% (subsequent uniforms) refunded at the end of the season provided that the full uniform is worn in all NOL races.
Tops are available for $70, pants for $50.

These will be available to purchase at most training session prior to Easter.

2006 NOL Funding

We have secured funding from Orienteering Victoria for the NSW and QLD rounds this year. NSW petrol expenses will be re-imbursed, so please keep you receipts for this.
For QLD, a team of 4 men and 4 women will be selected to encourage attendance of a full team to keep our Teams Competition chances high. Selected members will each receive $300 to contribute to their travel expenses.
Nominations for selection must be made in writing to the NOL Manager, Bruce Arthur, by 14th April.
Selection will be based on performances in NOL series 1 and 2 (NSW and VIC), and will be selected by the Orienteering Victoria selection panel.

Race intention forms

Please complete your 2006 race intention form and return to me. We can then keep in contact with you, and arrange entries, travel and accommodation more easily.
If you do not have a form, please contact and I will be happy to forward one to you.

Training outline - lead up to Easter

Details subject to change. Please confirm details prior to each training.

Feb 24 SA Sprint Champs (Friday twilight)
Feb 25-26 MTBO Selection Trails - Maryborough

Mar 4-5 Training Weekend (Beechworth)

Mar 11-12 NOL Event (NSW)

Mar 18-19 Club Event, Qld Sprint Champs, Training on Saturday?

Mar 25-26 Club Event, Mt Hickey, Training on Saturday?

Apr 1-2 Club Event, Creswick, Training on Saturday?

Apr 8-9 ACT Sprint and Middle Champs, Training Weekend?

Apr 14-15-16-17 Easter

NOL Programme and Entries

Firstly, if you have been considering going to the March NOL and JNOL races in NSW, please enter NOW. Entries closed officially on 17th Feb.

Programme of events and entry forms can be found from

Easter entries also close soon on 17th March.

M/W20E entries

When the course is the same for NOL/JNOL, can juniors please enter M/W20E?

The one difference between entering 21s and 20s is that if you enter 20s you're eligible to score Junior National League points - it's the same course and you still score 21s points regardless of what you run (the rule doesn't seem entirely logical to me but it's the way it is at present).
